Food and Agro-industry Journal <p>Started from the beginning of January 2021, the Food and Agro-industry Journal published by Faculty of Agricultural Technology’s publisher will be subjected to 0<strong> IDR</strong> publication fee once the paper is accepted publication.</p> <p>Food and Agro-industry (FAGI) Journal is the journal under the faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa. The journal is published twice a year (December and July) and contains articles on Food Microbiology, Health and Nutrition, Food Processing, Process Technology, System Engineering, and Environmental Management.</p> <p>The manuscripts are submitted to this journal reviewed by double-blind technique and the Editor-in-Chief is the first layer review the manuscripts before distributed to the editors as well as the manuscript's topic.</p> <p>All manuscripts that submitted to this journal should be the original article and contribution, free from plagiarism, and not be under editorial consideration for publication elsewhere. We could not accept the manuscript that meet the exclussion criteria. </p> en-US (Sahri Yanti) (Sahri Yanti) Sat, 27 Jan 2024 10:39:15 +0700 OJS 60 Effect Of Concentration Of Wheat, Jackfruit Seed (Artocarpus Hetrophyllus), And Purple Sweet Potato On Quality Steamed Brownies <p><em>Brownies are a type of cake with one of the basic ingredients being chocolate with the criteria for a soft texture that comes from wheat flour, a brown square cake with a sharp chocolate taste due to the addition of chocolate bars and cocoa powder. The aim of this research was to determine the level of panelists' preference, water content and ash content on the characteristics of steamed brownies with the substitution of jackfruit seed flour and purple sweet potato pulp. This research used the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method with 4 treatments and 3 replications for a total of 12 by carrying out a hedonic test followed by the Duncan test using SPSS. The research results showed that the use of jackfruit seed flour and purple sweet potato pulp had a significant effect on the color, taste,</em> <em>aroma and texture of steamed brownies. And it has a real effect on the water content and ash content of steamed brownies.</em></p> Selvia Melani Adinda, Muhammad Faisal Copyright (c) 2024 Food and Agro-industry Journal Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Quality Characteristics of Bidara Wood (Ziziphus mauritiana) Activated Charcoal with Sodium Hydroxide Chemical Solution Based on Activation Temperature Variation <p>In Indonesia, bidara plants grow wild in arid areas, one of which is in the Sumbawa district. Bidara wood can be used as a raw material for the production of activated charcoal, which is obtained through physical and chemical activation processes to increase the economic value of bidara plants. Activated charcoal is charcoal that is further processed at high temperatures using CO? gas, water vapor, or chemicals so that its pores are open and can be used as an adsorbent. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of activation temperature variations on the quality characteristics of Bidara wood activated charcoal using 35% sodium hydroxide solution. This study uses a one-factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD), namely activation temperature, namely 6000C, 7000C, 8000C with test parameters namely water content, ash content, fly ash, bound carbon and iodine absorbency. The results showed that the value of water content ranged from 2.25%-5.72%, ash content 3.60%-8.07%, fly matter 24.77%-49.85%, bound carbon 36.37%-69.38% and iodine 1692mg/g-2876mg/g. Activation temperature variation treatment significantly affected the value of water content, ash content, fly matter and bound carbon, but had no effect on the value of iodine absorption. The best treatment was obtained at a temperature of 8000C, which produced a moisture content of 2.25%, ash content of 3.60%, fly matter content of 24.77%, and bound carbon content of 69.38%, and iodine 2199 mg/g, which is in accordance with Indonesian standards (SNI No.06-3730-1995). Bidara wood activated carbon can be developed into an adsorbent.</p> Yuyun Yuliawati, Lalu Heri Rizaldi Copyright (c) 2024 Food and Agro-industry Journal Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 The effect of adding ethanol extract of bidara leaves (Ziziphus Mauritiana) As a natural preservative of the kite fish (Decapterus Macarellus) <p><a name="_Toc153417184"></a><a name="_Toc153417622"></a><em>Swallowfish (Decapterus imacarellus) is one type of marine fish with economic value that is in great demand by the community and market demand is greatly increasing. However, marine fish, one of which is kite fish, has a weakness, namely the rapid decline in quality or freshness. Bidara leaves contain alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, tannins and saponins so that they can be used as natural preservatives for fish because of the activity of flavonoids and phenols found in bidara leaves can be used as antimicrobials and natural preservatives. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of bidara leaf ethanol extract on the quality of kite fish freshness and the microbiology of swallowfish. This study used 2 methods, organoleptic results using empirical methods with ethanol extract concentrations of bidara leaves 0 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml and 15 ml, while bacterial tests used the TPC (Total Plate Count) method.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> An Nisa Fujianti, Ihlana Nairfana Copyright (c) 2024 Food and Agro-industry Journal Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Water characterization from filtration results of home-scale water treatment installations based on variations in the amount of coconut shell activated charcoal (Cocos nucifera) <p>Water is a material that is very necessary for living creatures, including humans, for daily survival. Water quality has several parameters to meet the requirements in accordance with the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Health Regulation NO 32 of 2017 so that the water is suitable and safe to use. Therefore, this research aims to characterize water from filtration results from home-scale water treatment plants using a variety of activated charcoal. The method used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications for each treatment. Based on the results of this research, variations in coconut shell activated charcoal have significantly different effects on water pH values, TDS, temperature, color and taste. Meanwhile, variations of activated charcoal did not differ significantly in the smell of water. The more variations of activated charcoal used and the longer the contact time, the better the quality of the water produced. The 700 gr activated charcoal variation is the best treatment by producing good water quality, safe and suitable for daily use.</p> Baiq As'urin, Shafwan Amrullah Copyright (c) 2024 Food and Agro-industry Journal Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Application of red dragon fruit peel extract powder (hylocereus polyrhizus) as a natural dye in shrimp paste in sumbawa regency <p>Shrimp paste in Sumbawa Regency has a less appealing dark brown color. Therefore, there is <br>a need for innovation in coloring shrimp paste by applying natural colorant powder from red <br>dragon fruit peel extract (Hylocereus polyrhizus) to enhance the color quality of shrimp paste <br>in Sumbawa Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the application <br>of red dragon fruit peel extract powder (0%, 20%; 40%; 60%) on the color of shrimp paste in <br>Sumbawa Regency. This study employs a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with one <br>factor, consisting of four concentrations of red dragon fruit peel extract powder (0%, 20%, <br>40%, and 60%). The research data were analyzed using SPSS version 27 software. The results <br>indicate that an increase in the concentration of red dragon fruit peel extract powder enhances <br>the °Hue value but reduces the color intensity of shrimp paste. In the organoleptik test, the <br>application of red dragon fruit peel extract powder significantly affects the color, aroma, and<br>aaAABA<br>2<br>texture. In the pH test, the application of red dragon fruit peel extract powder significantly <br>influences the acidity level (pH) ofshrimp paste. The results of the physical color test obtained <br>the best treatment, namely the treatment of red dragon fruit peel extract powder at a <br>concentration of 40% with a °Hue value of 247.26. The best result obtained in this study from <br>the organoleptic test is the application of red dragon fruit peel extract powder at a <br>concentration of 60% which produces shrimp paste that is reddish brown in color, compact in <br>texture, has a shrimp paste aroma that is not pungent, and an acidity level (pH) of 7.08.</p> Bunga Ayu Ningtyas, Chairul Anam Afgani Copyright (c) 2024 Food and Agro-industry Journal Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 The Effect Of Edible Coating From Kappaphicus Alvarezii Seaweed Carrageenan On The Shelf Life Of Sapodilla Fruit (Manilkara Zapota) <p>Sapodilla (manilkara zapota) is a tropical fruit originating from Central America and Mexico. Sapodilla plants have strong adaptability, so they are often planted in many countries, including Indonesia. However, sapodilla fruit is a climacteric fruit that quickly deteriorates after being harvested. Therefore, efforts are needed to overcome post-harvest handling and extend the shelf life. One effort is by coating or edible coating. This research aims to determine the shelf life of sapodilla fruit. The method used in this research was an experimental method carried out in the laboratory and designed using a completely randomized design with treatment of carrageenan concentration from kappachus alvarezzi seaweed of 0% (P0), 0.1% (P1), 0.2% (P2) , 0.3% (P3). The research data were analyzed using diversity analysis at a significance level of 5% using SPSS 25 software and if there were significant differences, they were further tested using the Duncan test (DMRT). The results of the research showed that the use of carrageenan from kappachus alvrezzi seaweed had an influence on weight loss, total dissolved solids, and the organoleptic quality of color, texture, and aroma as well as organoleptic quality. The treatment using 0.3% carrageenan concentration is recommended as the best treatment in terms of quality, weight loss, total soluble solids and organoleptic properties of sapodilla fruit.</p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Keywords</em>: <strong><em>Sapodilla fruit (manilkara zapota), edible coating, carrageenan seaweed kappachus alvarezzi</em></strong></p> Zubaidin Zubaidin, Ihlana Nairfana Copyright (c) 2024 Food and Agro-industry Journal Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 The effect addition of CMC (carboxymethyl cellulose) and stir-frying time on the characteristics of shallot paste <p>Shallot is a commodity that is used as a spice by the society. In Sumbawa, shallots become a superior commodity that is widely planted by farmers, so that the availability of shallots is abundant. The abundance of shallots causes the need for further processing. This study aim to obtain the processing technology and shallot paste formulation to determine its characteristics. This research was conducted in several stages, namely preparation of ingredients, making onion paste samples, testing samples with proximate tests (water content, fat content and protein content) and organoleptic tests (aroma, texture and color). This study used a Completely Randomized Design with 2 factors, the difference factor in CMC levels was 0.1%, 0.3% and 0.5%, and the length of time for the stir-frying was 4 minutes and 7 minutes. This research was repeated 3 times. The results of statistical analysis showed that differences in CMC levels and length of stir-frying time affected the water content, protein content and fat content, while the interaction of the two did not affect. The best treatment of shallot paste was the treatment of adding a CMC content of 0.5% with a length of time for 7 minutes with the result of a moisture content of 40.85%, a protein content of 3.25% and a fat content of 0.95%. In organoleptic testing the best treatment is the addition of CMC levels of 0.1% with a stir-frying of 4 minutes. The best preference of shallot paste in average were aroma (5,3), texture (5,8) and color (5.5).</p> Muhammad Mirza, Sahri Yanti, Dinar Suksmayu Saputri Copyright (c) 2024 Food and Agro-industry Journal Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 The Effect of Addition of Green Okra (Albemoschus Esculentus) On Moisture Content and of Seaweed Dodol <p><em>Okra is one of the fruits with high pectin content. The utilization of okra in food processing is still limited due to the fact that people do not like the mucus contained in the fruit. Green okra slime is a hydrocolloid component of long-chain polysaccharides with high molecular weight and constituent proteins containing both hydrophilic and hydrophobic substances. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the addition of green okra extract on the water content and organoleptic quality of seaweed dodol. This research was designed using a complete randomized design (CRD), which consisted of 4 levels, namely the addition of green okra extract 12%, 10%, 8% and 2%. Repeated 4 times so that 16 units of experimental units were obtained. If there is a significant effect, the Tukey test is performed. The results showed that the addition of green okra extract to seaweed dodol had a significant effect on organoleptic, moisture content and shelf life. The highest mean value of panelist liking was obtained in the treatment of adding 12% green okra, where the aroma value was 3.85, taste 3.95, and texture 3.56.&nbsp; As for the best treatment on moisture content, there was the addition of 12% green okra extract with a decrease in moisture content of 14.63 ml while for the shelf life occurred in the treatment of adding 8% green okra, where the decrease in weight loss on day 3 was 2.85% and day 6 was 1.05%.</em></p> Musrianti Musrianti, Jenri Parlinggoman Hutasoit Copyright (c) 2024 Food and Agro-industry Journal Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 The Effect of adding kepok banana peel flour (musa paradisiacal l.) on water content, crude fiber content and organoleptic properties of mocaf flour steamed brownies (cassava flour) <p>Banana peel flour is a by-product of processed bananas that have not been widely used. This study aims to determine the effect of adding kepok banana peel flour on the water content and fiber content in brownies and to determine the effect of adding kepok banana peel flour on the organoleptic properties of brownies. The research design used a Complete Randomized Design (RAL) pattern with 4 treatments and 3 repeats then analyzed using the Independent Sample t-test and one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) method using the SPSS application. The treatment in making brownies varies, namely P0 (100g mocaf flour: 0g kepok banana peel flour) (control), P1 (50g mocaf flour: 50g kepok banana peel flour) P2 (60g mocaf flour: 40g kepok banana peel flour), P3 (40 g mocaf flour: 60g kepok banana peel flour). Organoleptic test results of steamed brownies of mocaf flour with the addition of kepok banana peel flour Panelists prefer steamed brownies of mocaf flour with P0 treatment where P0 is the control treatment using 100g of mocaf flour. The second order of preference aspect is P2 treatment using 60 grams of mocaf flour: 40g of kepok banana peel flour. Of the two treatments most preferred by panelists, then this treatment will be analyzed in the form of water content analysis and crude fiber content. The results of brownie moisture content analysis in P0 treatment of 21.86% and P2 of 27.36% and the results of brownie crude fiber content analysis in P0 treatment of 42.98% and P2 of 73.46%.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Rana Yulia Lestari, Dinar Suksmayu Saputri Copyright (c) 2024 Food and Agro-industry Journal Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Characteristics Of Fermented And Non-Fermented Cocoa Beans <p><em>The fermentation of cocoa beans can influence quality by reducing phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. The aim of this article is to understand the characteristics of fermented and non-fermented cocoa beans. The methodology employed in this research is a literature review sourced from Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed, and Research Gate. The selection of cited journals has undergone screening based on inclusion, specific, and exclusion criteria. Cocoa bean fermentation is a crucial stage in post-harvest cocoa processing, involving microbial succession from yeast, lactic acid bacteria (LAB), acetic acid bacteria (AAB), as well as various species of Bacillus and filamentous fungi. This process not only eliminates mucilage in cocoa beans but also prepares the beans through enzymes that modify color, taste, and aroma. The outcomes of cocoa bean fermentation also impact chemical composition, altering levels of fat, protein, starch, sucrose, theobromine, caffeine, and phenolic compounds. Cocoa beans contain phenolic components, flavanols, anthocyanidins, proanthocyanidins, epicatechin, catechin, and psychoactive substances such as theobromine and caffeine. Furthermore, cocoa beans produce volatile compounds contributing to the aroma and taste of the final products, including 3-hydroxy-2-butanone, 1-methylpiperidine, and 2,6-dimethylpyrazine. The color change in cocoa beans to brown results from polyphenol oxidation, forming tannins and giving the characteristic brown color. Studies on volatile components in various cocoa clones reveal variations, with certain components like acetic acid, tetradecanoic acid, and pyrazine appearing in every clone that has undergone the fermentation process. Volatile and non-volatile compounds, in conjunction with other chemical components, contribute to the color, taste, and aroma characteristics of the produced cocoa beans</em></p> Lalu Danu Prima Arzani, Ni Wayan Putu Meikapasa Copyright (c) 2024 Food and Agro-industry Journal Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700