Jurnal Informatika Teknologi dan Sains (Jinteks) 2024-02-21T20:42:59+07:00 Eri Sasmita Susanto Open Journal Systems <hr /> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #123657;"><strong>Jurnal Informatika Teknologi dan Sains (JINTEKS)</strong></span> merupakan media publikasi yang dikelola oleh Program Studi Informatika, Fakultas Rekaya Sistem dengan ruang lingkup publikasi terkait dengan tema tema riset sesuai dengan bidang keilmuan Informatika yang meliputi <span style="color: #fbb31e;"><strong>Algoritm, Software Enginering, Network &amp; Security serta Artificial Inteligence.</strong></span> disamping itu <span style="color: #123657;"><strong>Jurnal Informatika Teknologi dan Sains (JINTEKS)</strong></span> juga mengelola publikasi yang terkait dengan Ilmu Keteknikan / Engineering dan bidang sains yang meliputi <span style="color: #fbb31e;">Matematika Komputasi, Biomatematika serta Fisika terapan</span> yang mengarah pada komputasi.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><span style="color: #123657;">Jurnal Informatika Teknologi dan Sains (JINTEKS)</span> </strong>terdiri dari Direktur Pelaksana, Editor, dan anggota lain dari <span style="color: #123657;"><a style="color: #333300;" href=""><strong>Tim Editorial</strong></a></span></p> <hr /> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> RANCANG BANGUN APLIKASI MOBILE BERBASIS ANDROID UNTUK MANAJEMEN PERSEDIAAN BARANG DAN KASIR 2023-12-21T05:28:50+07:00 Muhammad Irwan Syahib <p>Technological developments in a business context, information technology has changed work systems and had a significant impact. Information technology users have the ability to process data efficiently, thereby optimizing productivity in various industries. The role of information technology in producing fast and accurate information is very relevant in business environments that involve data processing. Regarding the system running at UD. Mandiri has been computerized but in terms of the hardware used now it is very inefficient in terms of electricity, device size and hardware price. The author proposes research on application development from desktop to Android because it follows technological developments which currently use simpler Android. This research uses the waterfall development method in building an Android-based application. The results of the research can create an application that can simplify the process of collecting data on goods and the sales transaction process at UD. Mandiri based on Android.</p> 2024-02-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Irwan Syahib PERANCANGAN AGGREGATOR DIGITAL VRVS (VIRTUAL REALITY VILLAGE SMEs) MENGGUNAKAN DESIGN THINKING 2024-01-30T13:29:33+07:00 Tiawan Tiawan M. Rakha Fadhilah M. Fajar Ramadhan Syaeful Bachtiar <p>Digital Aggregator is a platform built to answer problems that arise, after digging directly through the Head of the District Cooperative and SME Service. Karawang and the Head of Parungsari Village as well as Wood and Bamboo craftsmen in Parusngsari Village found problems, namely in terms of product marketing, which resulted in low buyer interest in the product, even though the product had high artistic value and could be customized according to consumer needs.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The problem solving method used is Design Thinking, this method is expected to be able to solve problems with a user-centric approach, Design Thinking can map user pain problems, in this case MSME Wood and Bamboo Craftsmen. The use of Virtual Reality technology was chosen to make it easier for users to see the products they want to buy so that their interest in buying products increases. With funding from Telkomsel's 2023 Innovillage Grant and the Ministry of BUMN, the InnoVR team hopes to be able to take local MSMEs global by utilizing existing technology.</p> 2024-02-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tiawan Tiawan, M. Rakha Fadhilah, M. Fajar Ramadhan, Syaeful Bachtiar ANALYSIS OF DIGITAL PAYMENT OF FUNDS WITH THE APPLICATION OF ISO/IEC 9126 MODEL BASED ON USABILITY FACTORS 2024-01-15T05:36:02+07:00 Oky Kurniawan Richky Faizal Amir Andreyestha Andreyestha Andi Taufik Fajar Akbar Imam Nawawi <p>Digital payments have become a trend nowadays. The ease of use of applications and relatively low transaction costs have changed people's behavior patterns in making payments and transactions that are all digital. Dana is a digital wallet application that also functions as a digital payment. The number of competitors today, especially in the field of digital payments, requires an evaluation of software quality. One of the methods used to measure software quality is ISO / IEC 9126, an international standardization organization used as a quality model guideline. In the Usability evaluation process in ISO/IEC 9126, there are Usability quality characteristics which include quality sub-characteristics, namely: understandability, learnability, operability, and attractiveness. The software quality control to be evaluated is focused on the Usability perspective with the aim of satisfying user needs. The scores are grouped based on three categories, from 0-100% unsatisfactory between 0%-40%, marginal between 40%-60%, and satisfactory between 60%-100%. From the results of the Usability value calculation of 0.84, it can be said that the category is satisfactory.</p> 2024-02-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Oky Kurniawan, Richky; Andreyestha Andreyestha, Andi Taufik, Fajar Akbar, Imam Nawawi OPTIMALISASI FILE RAW PADA GAMBAR BACKLIGHT DENGAN MENERAPKAN TEKNIK EDITING HIGH DYNAMIC RANGE (HDR) 2023-07-23T11:18:02+07:00 Dhimas Dhimas Adi Satria Ibnu Hadi Purwanto Ika Asti Astuti <p>RAW files are files produced by digital cameras besides JPG or HEIF files. RAW files have a higher bit pixel data than JPG. These data bits are used to perform image processing in terms of lighting and coloring. In Photography, Backlight Images are visualizations of photo shapes that direct the lighting directly towards the camera, in this case generally obtained images with uneven lighting shadows and highlights. In this research, tests will be carried out to optimize the ability of RAW files to produce HDR files in case studies of backlight images. Testing will be carried out using the exploratory method by taking many backlight photographic image samples, and processing RAW files using various software from various platforms, so that it will produce parameters in optimizing the RAW file.</p> <p>Keywords : High Dyanmic Range; RAW; Image; Backlight; Camera</p> 2024-02-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dhimas Dhimas Adi Satria, Ibnu Hadi Purwanto, Ika Asti Astuti PEMBANGUNAN INFRASTRUKTUR JARINGAN FIBER OPTIC JALUR UDARA PT. WISUANDHA NETWORK GLOBALINDO DI KABUPATEN BULELENG 2024-01-21T08:43:32+07:00 RA Enten Rahindrasti Purbodiningrat I Nyoman Yudi Anggara Wijaya I Gede Juliana Eka Putra <p>In addressing the rapid growth of the internet in Bali, PT Wisuandha Network Globalindo sees the necessity of constructing its own fiber optic network infrastructure as a strategic move to meet the increasing demands for bandwidth and enhance network stability. As a committed internet service provider, they have taken the initiative to apply for permits for the development of aerial fiber optic network infrastructure. To achieve the project's goals, PT Wisuandha Network Globalindo will involve all relevant parties, adhere to applicable regulations, and ensure the reliability and security of the infrastructure being built. By leveraging the permitting scheme already implemented in Buleleng Regency, it is anticipated that this project will improve reliable internet access, strengthen connectivity, and support the growth of information technology in Bali. The primary focus of the project is on analyzing implementation results, including necessary technical adjustments and ensuring process alignment with the timeline. Despite undergoing significant changes during implementation, the project was successfully executed in accordance with regulations, involving differences in the initial and final route paths, encompassing 9 road segments, 42 poles, and a cable length of 5,052 meters over a total duration of 10 months.</p> 2024-02-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RA Enten Rahindrasti Purbodiningrat, I Nyoman Yudi Anggara Wijaya, I Gede Juliana Eka Putra OPTIMALISASI MANAJEMEN PEGAWAI DAN SISTEM INFORMASI BERBASIS WEB DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN DATABASE MYSQL (STUDI KASUS PT. XYZ) 2024-01-30T13:20:03+07:00 Jurisman Waruwu Ofelius Laia Yusmei Paskah Harefa Abdul Majid Tanjung Michael Laowo <p>Optimization of employee management and information systems implemented in the employee management system at PT XYZ has a positive impact on operational effectiveness. By applying the waterfall method to the design of the proposed system, company leaders can quickly make more accurate decisions on changes in company needs. In addition, company leaders easily monitor the status and activities of employees at PT. XYZ.</p> 2024-02-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurisman Waruwu, Ofelius Laia, Yusmei Paskah Harefa, Abdul Majid Tanjung, Michael Laowo APLIKASI KAMUS BAHASA DAERAH TOLAKI BERBASIS ANDROID 2024-01-15T06:00:18+07:00 Intan Anuggrah Yuandi <p>Perkembangan dunia teknologi di era 4.0 saat ini semakin maju, teknologi banyak digunakan oleh pihak atau lembaga pendidikan untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan setiap individu. Kurangnya minat siswa dalam mempelajari bahasa daeah Tolaki menjadikan landasan dasar pada penelitian ini. Kamus Bahasa daerah Tolaki ini merupakan media pembelajaran yang dikemas melalui sistem berbasis android untuk memudahkan siswa(i) untuk belajar dan memahami arti kata Bahasa Daerah Tolaki. Metode waterfall dipilih sebagai metode penelitian dikarenakan memiliki tahapan dan penyusunan yang terstruktur dari tahap analisis kebutuhan hingga pelaporan hasil penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa di SD Negeri 1 Windubite dapat menggunakan aplikasi kamus bahasa Daerah Tolaki dengan mudah, melalui aplikasi ini siswa juga dapat dengan cepat mengetahui arti Bahasa Indonesia yang dikonfersi dalam bahasa Tolaki.</p> 2024-02-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Intan Anuggrah Yuandi PENENTUAN RUTE TERDEKAT DENGAN ALGORITMA HAVERSINE MENGGUNAKAN LOCATION BASED SERVICE 2024-02-01T15:41:28+07:00 Nurlaily Vendyansyah Suryo Adi Wibowo <p>The health necessity are one of the crucial needs. The Indonesian government &nbsp;provide more attention to the health necessity of the Indonesian people. This is proven by the appeal to all Indonesian people to have health cards by the Indonesian government. The intended health card is the one issued by BPJS, or health insurance issued by private insurance. In fact, the health information on the official Indonesian government website, especially in Malang district, hasn't been provided properly. Important supporters of health services include health laboratories and pharmacies. The issues that often occurs in the community is that when they need information on health services, such as pharmacies, they often have problems finding out information on the availability of medicines prescribed by doctors. The urgency of this research is how to find out the distance to nearby pharmacies based on geographic data. The geographic data used in the research is in the form of longitude and latitude data for both source and destination. Location information is visualized using Google Map. The results of the test show that the haversine method can be used to calculate the distance between locations on the spherical surface of the earth using geographic data by LBS.</p> 2024-02-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nurlaily Vendyansyah, Suryo Adi Wibowo OPTIMASI PENENTUAN SENTROID AWAL PADA K-MEANS UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL EVALUASI DAVIES-BOULDIN INDEX 2024-02-06T08:06:09+07:00 Hendrik Hendrik Kusrini Kusrini Kusnawi Kusnawi <p>Perkembangan data yang semakin heterogen dan kompleks dengan volume yang terus meningkat menimbulkan kesulitan dalam pengolahan big data secara manual. Dalam konteks data mining, metode clustering menggunakan algoritma K-Means sering digunakan untuk mengelompokkan data berdasarkan kedekatan atau kemiripan. Namun, algoritma K-Means memiliki tantangan, terutama dalam menentukan jumlah cluster dan pemilihan sentroid awal yang dapat mempengaruhi hasil klasterisasi. Artikel ini membahas masalah tersebut dan mengusulkan dua metode optimasi, yaitu Elbow dan Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), untuk meningkatkan hasil evaluasi algoritma K-Means. Dari hasil evaluasi, disimpulkan bahwa metode elbow lebih unggul dari segi waktu iterasi dibandingkan dengan metode PSO, meskipun keduanya menghasilkan nilai DBI yang sama. Waktu iterasi metode elbow hanya membutuhkan 0.297 detik, sedangkan metode PSO membutuhkan waktu iterasi selama 779 detik. Kesimpulannya, metode elbow lebih efisien dalam hal waktu iterasi. Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah menggunakan dataset yang berbeda dan mempertimbangkan metode optimasi lainnya untuk perbandingan evaluasi yang lebih komprehensif.</p> 2024-02-19T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hendrik Hendrik, Kusrini Kusrini, Kusnawi Kusnawi WEB MARKET CURUG CIKONENG DAN ALAT SCAN TIKET DENGAN ESP32-CAM UNTUK PENGELOLAAN TRANSAKSI EFISIEN 2024-02-19T07:15:05+07:00 Aep Setiawan Mahfuddin Zuhri Henny Endah Desita Auliafitri Arda Dwiyana Arya Prabudi Jaya Priana Danar Restu Firdaus Aldiyansyah Handika Saputra Harahap Herti Irmansyah Muhammad Ifan Al Aziz Muhammad Fajarudin Robby Priaji Sakti Silva Dimas Surya Permana <p><em>The use of Internet of Things (IoT)-based web technology in the tourism sector is needed to support marketing. The Web Market was created for market needs at Curug Cikoneng which integrates an ESP32-CAM based ticket scanning tool which combines web development technology and IoT. The aim of creating a website is to improve efficiency and quality of service for visitors and managers of the Curug Cikoneng tourist attraction. The main focus is to provide a better experience by providing information regarding Cikoneng Waterfall, ticket purchasing services, and promotion of local MSME products. Ticket scanning tool integration involves applying image processing technology for automatic capture and verification of admission tickets. The website created makes it easier for prospective visitors to buy tickets online to enter Cikoneng Waterfall quickly and efficiently and can reduce queue time when purchasing tickets. The creation of a web market and the integration of ticket scanning tools reflect modern technology concepts that support managers in managing visitor flow more effectively. The website created makes it easy for visitors to buy tickets so that it can increase attraction.</em></p> 2024-02-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aep Setiawan, Mahfuddin Zuhri, Henny Endah, Desita Auliafitri, Arda Dwiyana, Arya Prabudi Jaya Priana, Danar Restu Firdaus, Aldiyansyah, Handika Saputra Harahap, Herti, Irmansyah, Muhammad Ifan Al Aziz, Muhammad Fajarudin, Robby Priaji Sakti, Silva Dimas Surya Permana SENTIMENT ANALYSIS OF USER REVIEWS FOR THE FIZZO NOVEL APP ON GOOGLE PLAY USING THE NAIVE BAYES ALGORITHM 2024-02-19T07:14:20+07:00 Teguh Arlovin Kusrini Kusnawi <p>Technological advancements have significantly shaped the digital landscape, aligning with society's practical needs and deriving benefits from chosen technologies. This evolution is prominently observed in the proliferation of digital reading platforms such as Wattpad, Novelah, GoNovel, NovelFul, Inkitt, and Fizzo Novel. Given this context, sentiment analysis of user reviews on these platforms emerges as a crucial area of study. Sentiment analysis involves processing digital text to identify the underlying opinions as positive, negative, or neutral. This study focuses on applying the Naive Bayes algorithm for sentiment classification of reviews on the Fizzo Novel platform, a leading digital reading app in 2022, chosen for its vast and varied user feedback. The research methodology encompassed data collection, pre-processing, and system development phases, utilizing reviews from January to December 2022. The findings reveal an accuracy rate of 83%, precision of 85%, recall of 82%, and specificity of 85%, indicating the model's robust capability in accurately predicting sentiments across reviews. These metrics underscore the efficacy of the Naive Bayes method in sentiment analysis, offering valuable insights for enhancing user experience on digital reading platforms.</p> 2024-02-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Teguh Arlovin, Kusrini, Kusnawi IMPLEMENTASI MODEL PERANCANGAN WATERFALL PADA SIMDIMASI “SISTEM DIGITALISASI DATA DAN INFORMASI” PADA YAYASAN YATIM DAN DHUAFA BERBASI WEB 2024-02-15T20:38:15+07:00 Fajar Akbar Setiaji <p><em>The foundation is a legal entity that has legality related to assets that are isolated and directed to achieve certain goals in the social, religious and humanitarian realms. The foundation is represented by the management who is given the authority and responsibility for it. Financially, the foundation only hopes for donors or depends on financial assistance from other institutions . One of the sources of foundation funds is from benefactors or donors from local residents, so it is necessary to have a system that can be used as a medium of openness and promotional media and information that can be used by foundations in the development of information systems that are used as a form of digitalization of systems from manual to digital or computerized. To design a digital information system the author uses the waterfal development model so that the process of designing the information system needed, becomes structured and sequential, the waterfal model is also a system design model that is easily implemented by program analysts because the steps or sequence of design are relatively easier to follow</em></p> 2024-02-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fajar Akbar, Setiaji MENGOPTIMALKAN MANAJEMEN DAN KEAMANAN TI MELALUI IMPLEMENTASI LAYANAN DOMAIN ACTIVE DIRECTORY STUDI KASUS PADA INFRASTRUKTUR TI PERUSAHAAN 2024-02-07T13:29:03+07:00 Glen Maxie Taberima Desi Ramayanti <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research explores the implementation of Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) for centralized user management and security within an organizational IT infrastructure. Through a detailed case study of a company with 21 employees facing challenges managing a network of 17 computers, it underscores the critical role of AD DS in enhancing network management efficiency, security, and user policy administration. Using the PPDIOO methodology, the project demonstrates improvements in security incident reduction, centralized management, and operational efficiency. Key outcomes include enhanced user access control, structured IT governance, and increased data security, while meeting the need for stable and secure internet usage for daily business operations. This implementation showcases the potential of AD DS to significantly improve IT management and security practices in a corporate environment.</span></em></p> 2024-02-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Glen Maxie Taberima, Desi Ramayanti DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF WEBSITE-BASED UMKM GO DIGITAL FOR UMKM KHATULISTIWA FAMILY PONTIANAK 2024-02-21T20:42:59+07:00 Dedi Saputra Muhammad Iqbal Kartika Handayani <p>The use of digital technology in the business world is increasingly becoming an urgent need, especially for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises ( UMKM ) operating in this modern era. This research aims to design and implement a website-based UMKM Go Digital solution as an effort to overcome the marketing problems faced by Khatulistiwa Family UMKM in Pontianak. The design process involves developing a website platform that allows UMKM to expand their product marketing reach online. The integration of e-commerce features, product information, and contact forms is expected to improve affordability and customer engagement. The implementation of this solution is done by involving UMKM as active partners, so that they can utilize the potential of digital technology to improve operational efficiency and reach new market opportunities. Thus, this research aims to support UMKM to overcome marketing challenges through the implementation of a website-based Go Digital strategy. The results can serve as a reference for other UMKM facing similar problems, as well as supporting digital transformation efforts in supporting the growth and sustainability of UMKM in the information technology era.</p> 2024-02-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dedi Saputra, Muhammad Iqbal, Kartika Handayani MEMECAHKAN CAPTCHA-TEXT TERDISTORSI DENGAN CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK 2024-02-07T13:30:16+07:00 Muhammad Akbar Yasin <p>At the early stage of the development, CAPTCHA-text used distorted which difficult to solve by OCR technology. The development of AI technology, machine learning and image processing year after year makes the task to distinguish between human interaction and "bot" becomes more challenging. Recently, more advanced CAPTCHA types are available to avoid the risk of using CAPTCHA-text that can be considered irrelevant anymore to secure a website. However, until now can be found some websites that still use CAPTCHA-text. This paper contains the experimental results of developing an intelligent "bots" (using AI techniques) to solve the distorted text CAPTCHA. The Convolutional Neural Network was chosen as an approach for this study because its performance has proved excellent for object recognition applications. The CNN architecture used for this research consists of three convolutional layers, three pooling layers and two fully-connected layers. From the results of experiments conducted, the system managed to achieve a level of accuracy of 75% in ± 29 hours of program execution.</p> 2024-02-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Akbar Yasin SISTEM INFORMASI PELAYANAN DI BKKBN PROVINSI SUMATERA UTARA BERBASIS WEB 2024-02-16T22:00:04+07:00 Samsudin Winda Junarda <p>The National Population and Family Planning Agency is a non-ministerial government agency under and responsible to the President through the Minister of Health. BKKBN has the task of carrying out government duties in the field of population control and organizing family planning. The purpose of this research is to design a web-based application that can facilitate employees in the process of inputting data, searching data, and storing data on family planning participants. The problems faced in this study are the long registration of family planning participants who are still using a manual system and the ineffective management of family planning data at the BKKBN Representative of North Sumatra. The results of this study are the results of designing a web-based BKKBN service information system at the BKKBN of the North Sumatra Provincial Government which includes requirements analysis, system design, coding, testing and implementation. This system can be used to add, edit and delete data on user accounts, participants, scheduling and certificates.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Samsudin, Winda Junarda APPLICATION OF THE K-MEANS ALGORITHM FOR MANAGEMENT SUPPLIES IN THE LIBRARY 2024-02-21T12:35:26+07:00 Andi Syahrul Ramdana Kusrini Eko Pramono <p>This study explores the application of the K-Means algorithm to enhance inventory management efficiency in libraries. Faced with the challenge of meeting critical stock needs, the K-Means algorithm was selected for its advantages in ease of implementation and execution speed. Utilizing the K-Means method and RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) approach, this research achieved a 70% accuracy rate in item clustering, while accuracy increased further without RFM. The analysis indicates the effectiveness of the K-Means algorithm in classifying and predicting stock needs, providing insights for better inventory management. This research contributes to understanding how data mining techniques can be leveraged to improve and enhance inventory management decisions in the library sector, with potential applications in other sectors..</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Syahrul Ramdana, Kusrini, Eko Pramono