About the Journal: AGIS

Journal AGIS merupakan jurnal yang bergerak di bidang pengembangan industri dalam bidang hasil pertanian. Journal ini juga tentang proses keberlanjutan industri, baik dalam hal industri pertanian, energi, dan pengolahan limbah.

Focus and Scope

  • Agricultural Engineering, Agroindustrial Biotechnology, Agroindustrial Engineering, Agroindustrial Management and System, Bioenergy and Biorefinery from Agroindustrial Waste, Biofuels, Biomass and Feedstocks Utilization, Bioprocess and Bioproducts, Biosystem and Environmental Engineering, Food Engineering, Food Microbiology and Biotechnology, Food Nutrition, Food Production and Quality, Food Security and Safety, Food Sensory, Sustainable and Smart Agroindustry, Waste Management and Technology,
  • Articel

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Biomass energy and sustainable agriculture

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