
  • Dwi Nurul Fitriah Assyurah Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa
  • Rita Desiasni
  • Fauzi Widyawati



Composite; Sisal fiber; teak wood powder; volume fraction;bending test; tensile


Increasing demand for environmentally friendly materials to reduce negative impacts on global air quality, health and climate. Some researchers are starting to focus on biocomposite based composites. Composites from natural fibers and natural particles are one of the alternatives to polymer composites because of their advantages compared to synthetic fibers. In this study the volume fraction used between sisal fiber and teak wood powder is 5% fiber : 15% particle, 10 fiber : 10% particle, and 15% fiber : 5% particle with fixed resin volume which is 80% using ASTM standard for bending test and tensile test. From the tests carried out, some data will be obtained from the test, the bending test value is the highest MOE at a variation of 15% fiber : 5% particle with a value of 6334,67 MPa and MOR value of 98,21 MPa followed by the lowest result at a variation of 5% fiber : 15% particle with a MOE value of 3987,13 MPa and MOR value of 68,19 MPa. In the tensile test obtained the highest results at a variation of 15 fiber : 5% particle with a stress value of 71,36 MPa, strain of 1,61%, and the elastic modulus obtained a value of 44,31 GPa, at a variation of 10% fiber : 10% particle obtained the lowest tensile test results stress value of 50,26 MPa, strain of 1,34%, and elastic modulus of 37,56 GPa. The results of the test showed that the increasing fraction of fiber volume makes the composite mechanical strength higher, the addition of wood powder as a composite filler mixture serves to fill the void in the fiber and matrix cells during the composite manufacturing process.


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