Jurnal Dance and Art 2024-01-18T14:58:37+07:00 Suvina Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Dance And Art (JDART) : Jurnal ini berfungsi sebagai wadah publikasi yang informatif dari bidang penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkomunikasikan berbagai macam literature keilmuan tari dan keilmuan seni pertunjukan dan non pertunjukan lainnya sebagai wujud ekspresi untuk mengkomunikasikan hasil ide dan kreativitas yang di publikasikan dalam bentuk penulisan artikel ilmiah.</p> Kajian Desain Komunikasi Visual Media Promosi Sumbawa Art Festival 2022 2024-01-18T14:02:29+07:00 Abdurrozaq <p><em>Sumbawa Art Festival 2022 is a creative dance and fashion show competition that initiated by the Dance Study Program at the Sumbawa University of Technology. The implementation of competition was quite successful because it was supported by a fairly good promotional strategy. This research aims to describe whether the promotional media used in the Sumbawa Art Festival 2022 is in accordance with the main theme of the activities. This research concludes that the suitability between promotional media and the main theme of the activity is quite good. But in some parts, it can be improved. The results of this research can be used as input or reference for visual communication designers and event organizers, so that they always pay attention to the suitability between message targets, keywords, positioning, message content, media selection and media visualization.</em></p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Dance and Art Bentuk Koreografi Tari Dadara Boto Di Sumbawa 2024-01-18T14:32:23+07:00 Hana Medita <p><em>Dadara Boto is a creative dance inspired by the Sumbawa people's tradition of weaving. Dadara Boto in Indonesian means a skilled woman. Dadara means girl or woman and Boto means skilled or smart. It can be interpreted as a whole that the Dadara Boto dance tells the story of Sumbawa girls who deepen various skill activities. The weaving tradition makes this skill an identity for women. Because of this, there is a local expression that says "siong tau swai, lamen no to nesek" meaning not a woman, if she cannot weave. The Dadara Boto dance is a typical Sumbawa dance created by Saprudin and H. Hasanuddin. The Dadara Boto dance contains meaning and a message for women to learn from an early age because only women who are intelligent, independent and have good personalities are able to compete in social life. The names of the Dadara Boto dance movement motifs consist of misar, sorong klok, belidah, bajunjung, lunte sere', takenjil, jentik, gitik, lunte, sere', cenge, sepakuri, rempak scales, umbrella Bagiser, and cekleka. Usually this dance is danced by eight female dancers. The musical accompaniment in the Dadara Boto dance includes gong, genang, serune/sarunai, rabana rea, santong srek, and palompong which people usually know as gong genang.</em></p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Dance and Art Wangsul: Koreografi Terinspirasi Dari Pengalaman Empiris Ketubuhan Tari 2024-01-18T14:19:03+07:00 Desi Wulan Pita Sari Damanik <p><em>Wangsul is a dance work that comes from the stylist's empirical experience about his body which makes him feel uneasy about being unable to adjust to the poles of his tradition. The stylist gave the title of this work WANGSUL, which stands for nyina Wangake from Origin. The meaning of wangsul itself is taken from the Javanese language which means to go home. While nyina Wangake origin is defined as observing / paying attention / seeing carefully and thoroughly the origin. After returning home to return from overseas, one needs a process of looking back at identity, looking back carefully and thoroughly to adjust to one's origins.</em> <em>This dance work will be danced by a single dancer. The theme of this dance work is anxiety. The creation of this dance work begins with feelings and visions in dancing a traditional Malay and Yogyakarta dance. The dance is very interesting in terms of beautiful movement motifs, clothing, and distinctive music. The Serampang twelve dance and the Yogyakarta style dance have movement motifs that can attract attention, including the Malay movement motif, namely lenggang and Yogyakarta style motifs, namely nggurdo and sabetan motifs. The essence of the lenggang, nggurdo and sabetan motion motifs encourage creative imaginations to create dance works based on these motion motifs</em><em>. </em><em>The process of creating works, namely using a cost approach and the creation process. The method is achieved by referring to the stages of exploration, imoprovisation, composition, and evaluation.</em></p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Dance and Art Koreografi Cawuh Karya Nuryanto 2024-01-18T14:37:15+07:00 <p><em>The Cawuh dance work was composed by Nuryanto, S.Kar., M.Sn. The Cawuh dance work is inspired by the daily lives of lower middle class people who work as porters at Legi Market, Surakarta. This research uses the theory of form proposed by Suzane K. Langer, and as an analytical model to describe Cawuh choreography using Janet Adshead's theory regarding </em><em>the choreographic components of Cawuh dance works. The method used in this research is a qualitative method, with a dance ethnography approach. The results of this research can be obtained about Cawuh's choreography which cannot be separated from the elements that form it, which are interrelated, such as dancers, movement, visual design and sound elements. A dance work that is carefully selected and prepared, so that it has uniqueness or strength as a new dance work. This succeeded in achieving achievements by representing Central Java as first winner in the VIII National Student Arts Week in Makassar in 2006.</em></p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Dance and Art Tari Kreasi Siger Bubandung Hasil Kreativitas Dan Inovasi Mahasiswa Stkip-Mpl Pada Mata Kuliah Seni Tari 2024-01-18T14:58:37+07:00 Suvina <p><em>This research uses qualitative research with a dance choreography approach. Qualitative research is used during the process of collecting data using interview methods, field observation methods, and library methods in searching for references. The dance choreography approach is the science of dance composition. A good choreographer will understand what the basic substance is before creating an ideal dance work. Choreography theory consists of four steps that must be mastered by a choreographer, namely exploration, improvisation, composition and evaluation. The result of this research is to create a new dance work, namely the dance creation Siger Bubandung. The Siger Bubandung dance was inspired by the culture that already exists in Lampung Province in the process of welcoming the guest of honor. The choreographer, with his creativity, tried to re-represent the traditional Sigeh Pengunten dance, Muli Lampung dance and Bedana dance which could then be realized in a new innovative packaging for the Siger Bubandung dance.</em></p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Dance and Art Bentuk Dan Makna Koreografi Tari Antat Pasolo Sanggar “Saling Pendi” Kabupaten Sumbawa Besar 2024-01-18T14:48:49+07:00 Leni Herlina Yussi Ambar Sari <p><em>The Antat Pasolo tradition is a form of mutual assistance or mutual cooperation in the Sumbawa community. This activity is carried out when a family is going to hold an event or celebration, such as a wedding, circumcision or death event. Antat Pasolo comes from the Sumbawa language, Antat means to deliver or give, while Pasolo means help. So Antat Pasolo can be interpreted as delivering or providing assistance to needy families. The Antat Pasolo Dance by the "Saling Pendi" Studio was created in 2019. This dance was created to attract the young generation of Sumbawa so that they can continue to know and maintain the Antat Pasolo tradition, with the hope that the Antat Pasolo tradition will not be lost over time. There are many ways to make the Antat Pasolo tradition better known to the public, especially the people of Sumbawa, one of which is by using the Antat Pasolo tradition as an inspiration in creating Sumbawa dance, as was done by Mr. Syamsuddin who is the leader of the Saling Pendi Art Studio. Based on research results, Antat Basolo's dance works have movements that use relatively medium and large spaces, the duration of the work used is approximately 7 minutes, and the energy required is quite varied, namely medium and strong. The results of the analysis show that the Saling Pendi Art Studio has variations in form and meaning in movement, make-up and accompaniment. The Antat Pasolo dance is danced in a group consisting of 5 female dancers.</em></p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Dance and Art Analisis Gerak Tari Antat Pasolo Di Kabupaten Sumbawa 2024-01-18T14:52:43+07:00 Marlina Ramdhani Gustu Rahma Deni <p><em>This research is to describe the analysis of the Antat Pasolo Dance Movement, Pamulung Hamlet, Karang Dima Village, Labuhan Badas District. The background of this research is to discuss the Antat Pasolo dance in terms of dance names, names of musical instruments, clothing and so on. The method used is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Meanwhile, data collection techniques in this research used the library study method, interview method, observation method, and documentation method to obtain data about the Anatat Pasolo dance. The results of this research are that the Antat Pasolo dance comes from the tradition of the Sumbawa people, namely Antat Pasolo and was made into a dance work by Mr. Syamsuddin.</em></p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Dance and Art Analisis Gerak Dasar Tari Kemang Komal Sanggar Seni “Saling Pendi” Dusun Pamulung Kecamatan Labuhan Badas Kabupaten Sumbawa Besar 2024-01-17T19:30:08+07:00 Rina Melisa Abdurrozaq <p><em>The kemang komal dance is a Sumbawa traditional dance which tells the story of children or dadara Samawa who are entering puberty (adolescent age). The Kemang Komal dance is danced in groups. The movements include the movement of making up oneself. This research aims to describe the movement form and composition of the kemang komal dance movements. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research method. The research results showed that the basic movements of the kemang komal dance have unique basic movements. The kemang komal dance is combined with Sumbawa oral traditions, namely lawas, malangko, and badede.</em></p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Dance and Art