Perbedaan Pshycologhy Well Being Perokok Aktif Dan Tidak Aktif Pada Anggota Pmku (Persatuan Mahasiswa Kalimantan Utara) Sumbawa


  • Nurul syakinah Kina Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa
  • Imammul Insan Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa



Perokok aktif, Psikologi well being, mahasiswa


This study aims to analyze the differences in psychological well-being between active and inactive smokers at the North Kalimantan Student Association (PMKU) Sumbawa. This research uses quantitative methods. The population in this study was 204 students who were members of PMKU Sumbawa. The sample in the research was determined using the Krejcie table with a sample size of 127 people consisting of 50% students who were active smokers and 50% students who were passive smokers. The data obtained was then processed using SPSS version 16 software. The results of this study show that it can be concluded that it can be concluded that there is no difference in psychology well-being among PMKU Sumbawa members. This because the status of active smoker or passive smoker is not a factor in being able to accept oneself, behave positively towards others, have the capacity to make decisions (autonomy), control the enviroment and personal life goals, and develop the growth of each individual.


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How to Cite

Kina, N. syakinah, & Imammul Insan. (2023). Perbedaan Pshycologhy Well Being Perokok Aktif Dan Tidak Aktif Pada Anggota Pmku (Persatuan Mahasiswa Kalimantan Utara) Sumbawa. Jurnal Psimawa : Diskursus Ilmu Psikologi Dan Pendidikan, 6(2), 100-106.


