Wangsul: Koreografi Terinspirasi Dari Pengalaman Empiris Ketubuhan Tari


  • Desi Wulan Pita Sari Damanik Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa


anxiety, solo dance, body


Wangsul is a dance work that comes from the stylist's empirical experience about his body which makes him feel uneasy about being unable to adjust to the poles of his tradition. The stylist gave the title of this work WANGSUL, which stands for nyina Wangake from Origin. The meaning of wangsul itself is taken from the Javanese language which means to go home. While nyina Wangake origin is defined as observing / paying attention / seeing carefully and thoroughly the origin. After returning home to return from overseas, one needs a process of looking back at identity, looking back carefully and thoroughly to adjust to one's origins. This dance work will be danced by a single dancer. The theme of this dance work is anxiety. The creation of this dance work begins with feelings and visions in dancing a traditional Malay and Yogyakarta dance. The dance is very interesting in terms of beautiful movement motifs, clothing, and distinctive music. The Serampang twelve dance and the Yogyakarta style dance have movement motifs that can attract attention, including the Malay movement motif, namely lenggang and Yogyakarta style motifs, namely nggurdo and sabetan motifs. The essence of the lenggang, nggurdo and sabetan motion motifs encourage creative imaginations to create dance works based on these motion motifs. The process of creating works, namely using a cost approach and the creation process. The method is achieved by referring to the stages of exploration, imoprovisation, composition, and evaluation.




