
  • Winda Aryani Sumbawa University of Technology
  • Shinta Esabella Sumbawa University of Technology
  • Nawassyarif Sumbawa University of Technology
  • Miftahul Haq Sumbawa University of Technology



Web, Laundry services, Transactions, Black box, Waterfall


Laundry services is a business that offers laundry services or goods commonly used by consumers. The high consumer demand for washing services makes the laundry receive high transactions every day. The manual entry process is one of the obstacles that is often faced in data management. Avin laundry Sumbawa is a laundry services that still uses manual input processes in data management. Large and lost of storage space, reapeated data recording, recurring periodic data collection plus scattered and lost data are some of the problems that laundry services often face in managing them manually. For the sake of professional performance, every company or services requires structured and efficient data management. This application is made using the programing language PHP and MySQL as a database. Data collection methods used wereobservation, interviews and literature study. Software testing used black box testing methods.


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